Vilken minister vi har! I morse kunde vi se och lyssna på Nyamko Sabuni i TV4:s morgonprogram, där de diskuterade artiklarna om henne i International Herald Tribune och New York Times. Det är samma artikel, så ni behöver inte läsa i båda.
Det är kul för Sverige med en lysande stjärna på den internationella himlen och som folkpartist är man ju förstås extra stolt.
"The daughter of a frequently jailed opposition politician in Congo who fled to Sweden as a political refugee, Sabuni has a past so singular for Sweden that she arguably represents a minority of one. The story of how she arrived here with her parents and five of her siblings at the age of 12, learned Swedish, thrived in school and in college and worked her way through a series of jobs before being elected to Parliament and elevated to the cabinet is almost American in its can-do trajectory.
If there is such a thing as a Swedish dream, then Sabuni embodies it."
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